Do you have frequent need for short-term security guard services? Are you usually on the run and out of the office? Then you need the GuardsToGo app from National Security Service.

What do football games, festivals and concerts in New York all have in common? If you said, “large crowds” you’re on the right track. These events are meant to be fun and entertaining, but with the emerging trend of terrorist activity targeted at special events, the behaviour of a large crowd of people can change instantly in the face of disaster by an active shooter or explosive device.
Although these devastating tragedies do happen, you don’t want to become so paranoid that you miss out on going to special events. Security guard companies in New York like National Security Service (NSS) have security guards on duty at concerts and sporting events, but they can’t be everywhere all the time. With a little conscious effort, you may stand a better chance of staying safe in a crowd by remembering these three pointers:
At the end of a large event, people make a mass exodus to the exits and you may feel like you’re being swept along with the rest of the crowd. If people begin to panic, you stand the chance of being trampled in the stampede of people trying to get out of the doors. You’ll see NY security guards working at events who are specially trained to provide crowd control, but using a little common sense to keep yourself safe goes a long way. Avoid being caught in the crowd by leaving the event just before it ends or waiting in your seat until most of the people have left.
There’s something to be said for safety in numbers. Before you take your seats at the event, pick a designated spot, preferably in a well-lit area, as a meeting place just in case you get separated from each other. If you go to the food concession stands or the restrooms, decide ahead of time who your buddy will be from your group and go with that person. Remember to take your phone with you and tell the rest of the group where you’re going.
Maybe you’ve had a few drinks and you’re winding down now that the event is over. Leaving the venue is not the time to let your guard down. Top-level security services in New York know that criminals purposely strike at times when people are most vulnerable. Be alert and aware before, during, and after the event.
Have fun at special events, but know that in the face of danger the behaviour of a crowd of frightened and panic-stricken people can become lethal. NY security guards will do their best to keep you safe, but knowing how to protect yourself is a bonus. For more information about professional security services in New York, visit National Security Service at