Do you have frequent need for short-term security guard services? Are you usually on the run and out of the office? Then you need the GuardsToGo app from National Security Service.

Your CEO is preparing to take an important business trip overseas to a worn-torn country known for violence and terrorism. Her family will be traveling with her. None of them are familiar with the country or the accepted customs of the region they’ll be traveling to. The CEO and her family’s safety is your top priority. However, when you approach her she tells you everything will be fine and she doesn’t need personal protection. Many executives share the same sentiment – nothing bad is going to happen. But we know it can and it does.
Dangerous people are out there ready to take advantage of top-level executives for political and monetary reasons. As a top executive, your CEO is one of your company’s most valuable assets. They know and have access to sensitive and valuable information about your company that puts them at risk of personal and professional harm. Compromising your top-level executives’ safety and company information is never a good plan. Considering the instability of many countries around the globe, a better idea would be to hire executive protection for your top-level executives when they travel. Security companies like National Security Service (NSS) provide unarmed security guards, but also highly-trained executive protection specialists to keep your top-level executives and their families safe.
You want to reduce the executive’s risk of vulnerability when traveling to a foreign country. As everyday people, we may not know what’s going on “behind the scenes” in a foreign country. Executive protection service companies employ security professionals that are familiar with the potential risks associated with foreign travel and have experience working abroad. They understand the nuances and culture of the countries where they’ve been assigned to protect executives and their families.
Executive protection security guards scrutinize the financial and political stability of a country in advance during the planning stages of the executive’s trip by scoping out accommodations, restaurants, meeting rooms, service employees, and checking out anyone who will have access to the executive. Itineraries are reviewed by the security guards assigned to that detail and could be altered at a moment’s notice including driving routes, drivers, hotels, venues and any other activities that could pose a threat to the executive.
Violence and terrorism aren’t isolated to countries far away. In fact, an executive doesn’t have to leave the country to be a target for violence or kidnapping – it can happen near their office or in their own backyard! A disgruntled employee who feels they’ve been let go unjustly or mistreated by the company may make it a mission to target a top-level executive like the CEO as being responsible for their termination. An outraged stockholder who’s lost money could target a top-level executive as not doing enough to generate profit for the company. Activist groups conducting a protest can’t control the behaviour of an angry mob. These thought patterns and actions, though misguided, could put top-level executives at risk. There’s no room for hesitation or indecision when it comes to protecting people. Preventing harm to executives and their families is the number one priority for executive protection security guards.
Offering a top-level executive peace of mind wherever they may be isn’t a “perk of the job,” but a well-deserved necessity to protect them while doing business in today’s unsettled world. At NSS our executive protection security guards take your executives’ safety seriously. Call us or visit our website at to learn about our security guard services including armed and unarmed security guards.