Do you have frequent need for short-term security guard services? Are you usually on the run and out of the office? Then you need the GuardsToGo app from National Security Service.

An ‘under construction’ site can be a real nightmare for property managers around the globe. In addition to ensuring smooth operations and meeting deadlines, they have to make sure health and safety regulations are being followed to the letter. There are so many things that can go wrong at a construction site that they have a hard time taking preventive measures. Fire is one such potential threat that tops the list. Fire security guards can help ensure the safety of your construction site and personnel, especially at places where a fire security system hasn’t become operational yet.
Fire Security Guards Can Ensure The Safety Of Your Construction Site
There can be permanent damage to the construction site after a fire, not to mention the potential exposure to liabilities, fines, and law suits for the owners. In addition, there is the possibility of physical harm to the people working at the site if safety standards are compromised. To prevent this from happening, property managers can put a number of safety measures in place, the best among them being the deployment of fire watch guards.
There are a lot of precautions and safety measures that can be implemented by the property managers to ensure the safety of the unfinished building structures. This is especially true of large projects in large cities where specific regulations have been put in place. One example is New York City where regulations stipulate that you have to place a fire guard at construction sites where the fire safety and warning systems have not become operational.
How Nationwide Security Guards Help In Fire Protection
Fire watch security guards are generally trained and licensed by local fire departments, as this is a specialized job and involves significant responsibility. Fire guards have to ensure that construction sites are following all the fire safety procedures. In addition, it is their responsibility to evacuate all the personnel and notify the fire department in the event of a fire. At times, a single fire can destroy a property worth millions of dollars. In the event of a fire, the security guards’ role is to evacuate the premises, prevent anyone from entering the site, and notify the fire department to ensure there is no loss of life. Statistics have clearly shown that long term damages can be avoided at construction sites if the fire department is notified in a timely manner.
About National Security Service:
National Security Service provides nationwide security guards for fire protection. Our Fire Watch Guards are highly trained to provide unsurpassed services to prevent damage to building structure and loss of life at construction sites. National Security Service provides fire security guards in all 50 states. We provide a single point of contact for our clients who have multiple locations, saving them time and hassle of coordinating for various locations separately.
For more information on fire guards and how they can be of assistance, please visit GuardsToGo.Com.