Do you have frequent need for short-term security guard services? Are you usually on the run and out of the office? Then you need the GuardsToGo app from National Security Service.

Have you thought about consolidating security guard companies?
Working with several companies in different geographical locations can cause inconsistencies in service, high administrative costs and other headaches.
To help you better understand why you should consolidate security guard services with a national or regional company, keep on reading. We’ll show you three ways to tell if consolidating is the best option.
1. How easy is it to monitor and control security operations?
It can be difficult to monitor and control security operations when you’re working with several companies in different locations. When you hire a national security guard company, you’re in the driver’s seat. It’s much easier to monitor and control, meaning it’s less likely there will be problems that could have negative liability implications for your business.
2. How are your administrative costs?
How much time do you spend doing administrative tasks for several security guard companies? The administrative savings are substantial when you consolidate services with one company. You’ll see decreases in bookkeeping costs. You’ll also spend less time with regard to insuring security credentials (licenses, insurance policies, contracts). When you consolidate services, you’ll be in a stronger price negotiating position.
3. How much time do you spend on the phone?
When you work with several security guard companies, you spend more time on the phone talking about security details and scope of service. This can cause communication issues or misunderstandings. When you work with a national company, you have a single point of contact. You’ll spend less time on the phone and changes in services will be much easier.
At National Security Service, we make it fast and easy to hire security guards anywhere in the country. When you work with us, you’re assigned a single contact person to make administration simple.
To find out more about our security guard services, visit our website at or call us at (888) 386-4068.